Graphic Design
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This project is a composite of a photo and digital artwork. I shot the original image myself and created all the effects in Photoshop.
This was a group project and the design was a collaborative one. We were to research something that we cared about and reimagine a poster design for the cause.
The apple was a common thread we saw in designs from, "No Kid Hungry", so we wanted to incorporate that into the poster. I shot an image of my son while my daughter held up the apple for me. The tagline: "Hunger Hides" was meant to showcase that any child might be not getting enough to eat and one might never know.
Children that have to endure not knowing where their next meal is coming may suffer from many long term serious physical and psychological conditions as a consequence of undernourishment. The mental well-being of the children can suffer from the brought on worry, stress and anxiety of their situations. Many children were seen to be at a higher risk for depression and were more at risk of developing some kind of health problem over the next ten years.
We can help by donating to food drives, volunteering at local soup kitchens, donating food to local food banks, donating to nonprofits such as “No Kid Hungry”.
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