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This project is a composite of multiple photos and digital artwork. I shot the original images myself and created all the effects in Photoshop.
I set up a tripod and shot myself multiple times. I would go and change my clothes for each shot so I looked somewhat different. I was careful that only myself be moving.
I took each image and merged them carefully together to create one cohesive photo. I shot my hand as a seperate image as well to use as the gaint hand painting the image. I've always been interested in images with in images. If you look around the image you can find me multiple times.
I find it's easier to create this type of effect if all the images are shot on a stationary tripod and nothing but the subject moves. I removed things from the images that were bothersome and added back in things that were not there. This took a lot of time to make it look as real as possible. This image won third place in the student art show at Chemeketa CC.
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